Jan 10 2009

First time geocaching with the Oregon

Took out my new Garmin Oregon 400t this morning for the first time to see how well it works for geocaching. So far I am very pleased with the performance. The accuracy was good and it was very easy to use when paperless caching.

I wanted to see how the device worked out with the original firmware (version 2.2) so I did not upgrade that part yet. I will probably get around to upgrading it to the latest firmware pretty soon.

It was a bit cold out, so we didn’t stay out too long, but I really think this is going to work out as a great GPS for me 🙂 I’ll probably write a full review once I get some more field time with the GPS so I can really give it a good workout.

Jan 10 2009

A few photos while geocaching this morning

Didn’t take many photos, since I was busy trying out my new GPS, but I did take a few while we were at Eagle Rim Park 🙂

Icy Colorado River

Mount Garfield and the Grand Mesa in the background

Colorado National Monument in the background

Jan 6 2009

Garmin Oregon 400t GPS

I finally picked up a new handheld GPS. I had a little bonus on my last paycheck and decided to upgrade my GPS mainly for a better geocaching experience. In the past I have used my Magellan CrossoverGPS and AT&T Tilt for geocaching, but I was never completely satisfied with either solution. The CrossoverGPS required that I also used an old Compaq iPaq PDA for paperless caching, which was a pain. The Tilt worked much better, but the battery life on my phone while using the GPS was really bad.

I ended up getting the new Garmin Oregon 400t and think it will work out much better for me….not only with geocaching, but also for keeping tracks of the trails I explore in my Jeep and on foot. I’ll keep you updated on how well it works out for me 🙂

Oct 18 2008

Grand Junction Geocaching

Since Amanda and I have not gone geocaching for a little while, we decided to stick around town and search for some caches today. Unfortunately, we did not find as many as we set out to, because we ran into some rather large crowds near a few of the caches and decided to try again another day on those.

Here’s a few pictures from the day.

We actually found this waterfall less than a mile from our house, too. Right next to the Gunnison River

May 12 2008

Hurrah! Got a cache.

Been a little while again since we went Geocaching, so we made sure to stop and look for one while we were in Moab last weekend.

Since Amanda wanted to head up to Hurrah Pass, we went searching for the cache that is located near the top. After a short hike/climb, we found it without much trouble. Here’s a few pictures.

View from the cache.