Jan 12 2008

Live from Denver

Yep, just posting a note to let you all know I’m in Denver this evening. If things go as planned, I should hopefully have some good pictures to post up in the next few days….so stay tuned. (Sorry, no wheeling pictures, though).

My flight to Denver was nice since I upgraded to First Class. I had plenty of leg room 😉 My rental Impala SS is very nice, too. Hopefully it doesn’t get me in trouble.

Anyways, I’m staying at my friend DJ’s apartment tonight, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I am off to bed.

Aug 6 2007

IntrepidXpedition 2007: Day 17 (The Final Day)

Took a drive though Badlands NP on my way home. It was kinda gloomy, but here’s a couple of pics anyways

Saw a bunch of these guys

….and that’s it for this trip. I’m going to work on uploading all of my pics to my website along with a more detailed trip report…..so watch for that.

It was definitely an experience I will never forget!

Aug 3 2007

IntrepidXpedition 2007: Day 16

Started out by checking out part of the Wind River Range in the Shoshone National Forest. Here’s a few pics from there.

Fiddlers Lake

Little Popo Agie River

Louis Lake

Got the moon again

South Pass City

In Red Canyon

Even though this was paved, it was a nice drive through Ten Sleep Canyon and Bighorn National Forest

The sky didn’t cooperate with me here, as it had just rained and the sun was out, so it was kinda hazy……but I did stop by Devils Tower

Aug 3 2007

IntrepidXpedition 2007: Day 15 (Yesterday)

Day 15

Started out the day leaving from Ryan’s house and heading to Northern Utah. Ended up in Lander, WY for the night.

Shot up into Idaho on a little loop trail…..weather wasn’t the greatest…

Then down into Strawberry Valley

Ephraims Grave

Peter Sinks Trail

Heading down Temple Canyon towards Bear Lake in the distance

Driving somewhere in WY

Aug 1 2007

IntrepidXpedition 2007: Day 14

Left Price this morning and headed up through Nine Mile Canyon

Balance Rock

One of the many old structures along the way

Shot up Cottonwood Canyon and saw some petroglyphs

Entering Franks Canyon

In Franks Canyon, you are in the wash the whole time

Along the Green River

After making it to US 40, I gassed up in Duchense and headed up Current Creek in Uinta National Forest…….Current Resevoir

Out of the desert and into the mountains again

Then I headed out on Mill Hollow as it strated to rain