Oct 16 2010

30-365 | Day 248

Double O Arch

Checked another goal off of my list for this year. I wanted to get out to Double O Arch and was finally able to make the hike today. I was hoping for good light in the late afternoon, but wasn’t counting on the shadow that is over the small lower arch.


Bonus Photo: Turret Arch Under the Stars

Before leaving Arches, we stopped by the Windows section of the park for a few night shots. Here’s a photo of Turret Arch under the stars.

Oct 15 2010

30-365 | Day 247


Tread on the spare tire on the back of my Jeep.

Oct 14 2010

30-365 | Day 246


The church across the street from my office sells pumpkins every October, so this morning I stopped over there and took a few photos.

Oct 13 2010

30-365 | Day 245


Heading down the stairs in the parking garage at work.

Oct 12 2010

30-365 | Day 244

On Display

Just a quick picture of my photo taken at the Great Sand Dunes that is currently on display at City Hall for the next three months.