Oct 6 2010

30-365 | Day 238

Corona Arch

Corona Arch in the morning sunlight.


Bonus Photo: Tukuhnikivatz Arch

Tukuhnikivatz Arch framing the La Sal Mountains and Mount Tukuhnikivatz as a storm was approaching. We got caught in that storm on our hike back to the Jeep. Apparently this storm caused a tornado warning for Moab and Grand Junction. All I know is that we started running back to the Jeep when the lightning got a little too close!


Bonus Photo 2: Petroglyphs Under Jug Handle Arch

I’ve taken many photos of Jug Handle Arch before, but this time we climbed up closer and found the petroglyphs underneath the arch.

Oct 5 2010

30-365 | Day 237

Aztec Butte

A granary built next to an arch on Aztec Butte in Canyonlands National Park. It started raining on us when we got up there.

Oct 4 2010

30-365 | Day 236

Broken Bow Arch

Broken Bow Arch in Willow Gulch.


Bonus Photo: Photographing Petroglyphs

Jared photographing some petroglyphs in a side canyon off of Willow Gulch.

Oct 3 2010

30-365 | Day 235


A small arch inside the twisted and narrow passage of the Peek-A-Boo slot canyon.


Bonus Photo: Sunset Arch

The typical photo of Sunset Arch….taken at sunset and framing Navajo Mountain and the southern end of the Straight Cliffs.


Bonus Photo 2: Double Rainbow & Balanced Rock

While hiking down into the Dry Fork of Coyote Gulch from our campiste, we were treated to a pretty good rainbow display from the storm off to our north. We just happened to be near this balanced rock when these two full rainbows showed up.

Oct 2 2010

30-365 | Day 234

Chimney Rock

Chimney Rock at sunset.


Bonus Photo: Jared on Chimney Rock

Jared looking up at Chimney Rock and some older inscriptions carved into the sandstone.