Sep 26 2010

30-365 | Day 228

Aspens Reflected

After having some of our favorite burgers at the Union Cafe in Ridgway, we headed out of town on County Road 5 to try and find some fall colors. We were mostly disappointed and found that this area was still mostly green so far, but we did drive through one section of aspens that had changed to golden yellow. While we were stopped to take a few photos, the wind picked up a bit and leaves started raining down from above us. A few landed on my Jeep near the Rubicon logo, so I thought I would take a photo of that. While I was taking that photo, I noticed that the aspens and sky above were reflecting off of my hood, so I recomposed and ended up with this shot. I kind of like it 🙂

Sep 25 2010

30-365 | Day 227

Fall Colors in Motion

Amanda and I headed up into the Flat Tops today on our annual Fall Colors trip. We spent the day exploring the Flat Tops Trail Scenic Byway. Amanda was driving for a while, so I decided to hold the camera outside the Jeep and take some photos with the smallest aperture to get some motion blur.

Sep 24 2010

30-365 | Day 226

Alpine Moon

As I was heading up the stairs to my office this morning, I looked out the window and saw the full moon hadn’t set yet and was near the Alpine Bank building across the street. I took this photo through the window.

Sep 23 2010

30-365 | Day 225


Just a quick photo I took of Amanda when I got home from work today.

Sep 22 2010

30-365 | Day 224

Mingo Up Close

After work I felt like putting my wide angle lens on my camera and chasing our cats around. I liked this photo of Mingo, since it’s rare to get a non-blurry shot of him.