Sep 16 2010

30-365 | Day 218

Riding Home

Riding my bike home from the last Farmer’s Market of the year this evening, I stopped and took a photo of my shadow along the Riverfront Trail. They are doing a nice job removing the tamarisk from along the river there… can actually see the river from the trail now.

Sep 15 2010

30-365 | Day 217

Sunset Hike

I went on a sunset hike this evening on the High Noon and Eagles Tail trails in the Tabeguache area. It was great evening for a 3.5 mile hike. I took this photo shortly after the sun dipped behind the cliffs of the Monument. There were some great colors in the skies a short while later, but I kind of liked this photo.

Sep 14 2010

30-365 | Day 216

Laptop Texture

The Dell laptops we use at work have a very interesting texture on the lid. I decided to take a photo of it today.

Sep 13 2010

30-365 | Day 215

Chap Stick

After cleaning the dust out of my Jeep, I was too tired to go and find a subject this evening so I pulled the Chap Stick out of my pocket, set it on my trailer and took a picture. Then I converted it to black & white.

Sep 12 2010

30-365 | Day 214

Over/Under Ruins

On our way back home from our campsite on North Elk Ridge, we stopped off at the Over/Under Ruins for a few photos. This is a photo of the upper ruin.