Sep 6 2010

30-365 | Day 208

Staring at the Sun

I took this photo of one of the formations while walking around Little Egypt before heading home this afternoon.

Sep 5 2010

30-365 | Day 207

Long Road to the Henry Mountains

Heading south to the Henry Mountains from Hanksville for some exploring, hiking and camping.

Sep 4 2010

30-365 | Day 206

Crag Crest

Just a photo of Amanda and me hiking the Crag Crest Trail today.

Sep 3 2010

30-365 | Day 205

Back From the Dead

I figured it’s time to get my XJ up and running again, so I’m charging the battery.

Sep 2 2010

30-365 | Day 204

Amanda’s Flowers

Just a photo of the flowers Amanda got today.