Aug 17 2010

30-365 | Day 188

Fresh Cut

After mowing the lawn this evening, I noticed the sun shining through the slots in our fence and I thought it looked cool, so I tried to take a photo of it.

Aug 16 2010

30-365 | Day 187

Old Fossil

My trusty watch. I’ve had it for over 12 years now and it just keeps on ticking no matter how beat up it is.

Aug 15 2010

30-365 | Day 186

Rubber Ducky

this morning I went and hiked the Holy Cross mountain bike trail. While climbing some of the switchbacks I spotted this rubber ducky in the cliff and just had to take a photo of it.

Aug 14 2010

30-365 | Day 185

La Boca

While out hiding our first geocache this afternoon, we made a stop by La Boca Arch and I took this photo from right underneath it.

Aug 13 2010

30-365 | Day 184

Ute Canyon View

I took this photo during my hike through Ute Canyon this morning in the Colorado National Monument.