Jul 3 2010

30-365 | Day 143

Bison Lake Camp

Our campsite along Bison Lake in the Flat Tops.

Jul 2 2010

30-365 | Day 142

My Shadow

Just a picture of my shadow on the sidewalk during on of my walks around downtown Grand Junction this morning.

Jul 1 2010

30-365 | Day 141

Empty Hallway

Normally the hallway leading to my office is full of artwork hanging on the walls, but that artwork is usually changed about every two months. Today was the day they took down the old paintings, and I decided to snap a picture before they started putting up the new art.

Jun 30 2010

30-365 | Day 140

Intel Inside

I took a picture of this bad system board on my desk at work today before I disposed of it.

Jun 29 2010

30-365 | Day 139

Fire Escape

The fire escape on the Avalon Theater in downtown Grand Junction, which was built in 1923.