May 14 2010

30-365 | Day 93


While walking downtown today, I found a few nice flowers. Here I managed to shoot a picture of a bee for the first time, so I’m making it my main photo for today.


Main Street Flower

I also liked this photo that I took near the flower above.

May 13 2010

30-365 | Day 92

Cloud Reflected

The US Bank building near my office has always intrigued me. The main building is constructed mostly of a highly reflective glass, which makes for some interesting compositions. Here’s a simple one of a cloud in the sky reflected off of the building that I like. I’m sure I will be taking different photos of this building in the future.

May 12 2010

30-365 | Day 91


I’ve obviously been sticking around the house this week after work. Here’s a picture of my roof from the backyard that I liked.

May 11 2010

30-365 | Day 90

Mingo Up-Close

I tried to experiment with taking photos of drops of water today, but it didn’t turn out so well. Instead here’s a close-up shot of Mingo 🙂

May 10 2010

30-365 | Day 89

B&W Fence

I had an urge to take a photo of the fence in my back yard and convert it to black and white, so that’s what I did today.