Apr 29 2010

30-365 | Day 78

Ready to Bloom?

Looks like the Yucca in our front yard is getting ready to bloom, so I thought I would get a shot of it in this state.

Apr 28 2010

30-365 | Day 77

America the Beautiful

Well, it’s that time of the year for us. Time to renew our America the Beautiful National Parks Annual Pass! We use the hell out of our pass each year, and definitely get our moneys worth. After work Amanda and I headed to the Colorado National Monument to hike the Serpents Trail again, so while we were there we got our new pass. Here it is with the previous two passes 🙂

Apr 27 2010

30-365 | Day 76

First Mow

Since I mowed the lawn for the first time this year, I figured what better subject to use than my lawnmower for today’s photo.

Apr 26 2010

30-365 | Day 75

Aloe Vera

Just a picture of part of the Aloe Vera plant I gave to Amanda today as an early birthday present.

Apr 25 2010

30-365 | Day 74

Front Yard Flowers

These flowers are on a small bush that is growing in our front yard. Right now it is the most colorful plant in the front.