30-365 | Day 12
30-365 | Day 11
Tellico Close-Up
Getting Tellico or Mingo to sit still long enough for a photo is usually a pretty difficult task, but today I managed to finally snap a good up-close photo of Tellico with my 50mm lens wide open.
Bonus Photo: Moab Closer
Getting a good photo of Moab, on the other hand, is a much easier task. He is good at sitting and posing for longer periods of time. I really liked this one of Moab, so I am adding it as a bonus photo for the day. Now if I could just get Mingo to sit still!
30-365 | Day 10
My original goal for a picture today was to head up onto the Grand Mesa after spending the morning skiing at Powderhorn. However, it was snowing and windy the whole time I was skiing, so I knew the conditions to take a photo on the Mesa would not be ideal. When I arrived home, I saw the empty Coca-Cola bottle left over from dinner last night and thought it would make a good subject. I lined up a few different colored water bottles behind it to add a colorful background.
30-365 | Day 9
Star Light(Painting)
Tonight I decided to experiment with something I have been meaning to for a long time; Light Painting. I started out simple by setting my camera up on a tripod in my bedroom with the lights out and door closed so that it was nice and dark. I grabbed the only light source I had available; a Petzl headlamp. Then I started out by making some circles, spirals and zig-zags. Amanda suggested I try a star, so I did…and it turned out pretty well. I’m sure you’ll be seeing some more light painting from me in the future.