Feb 17 2011

Fremont Indian State Park | Set 3

February 11 & 12, 2011

Some more photos from Fremont Indian State Park in no particular order. Make sure to check out Set 1 and Set 2.

Square Spirals
Square Spirals

This petroglyph panel along the Rim Trail near Newspaper Rock contains a few square spirals. There’s even a small anthropomorph in the upper right hand corner that is separated from the rest of the panel.

Fremont Twins
Fremont Twins

These two faint figures can be found along the Parade of Rock Art trail near the museum.

Fremont Pithouse

Inside of a replica pithouse that was copied from varying features of the ones found on Five Finger Ridge.

Arch of Art Panel 1
Arch of Art Panel 1

The ‘Arch of Art’ contains many petroglyph and pictograph panels that can be spotted from the main viewpoint. The tricky part is actually locating them all. This is one of them. Notice the faint pictographs on the right side.

Arch of Art Panel 2
Arch of Art Panel 2

Here’s another panel found on the ‘Arch of Art’. It’s not really an arch, but the formation that houses these panels is arched.

Indian Blanket Pictographs

This blanket pictograph might look small, but it’s actually about 16 feet long and 4 feet tall. The pain was dated as being about 250 years old. There is a legend about this blanket pictograph: Many years ago a group of Indians passed through Clear Creek Canyon on the way to their winter camping area. While in the canyon the new baby of a young Indian girl died and was buried near the site of the blanket pictograph. During the winter the mother could not get the thought of her baby being alone in the winter cold out of her mind. The next spring she made preparations and returned to paint the blanket for her lost baby to use in the future cold winters. (The source of this legend is residents of the local towns near the park, not the Paiutes)

Panel 96
Panel 96

Just another photo of the largest anthropomorph in the park, and one of my favorite petroglyphs I came across while exploring the park.

Rock Art Jail
Rock Art Jail

I’m all for protecting rock art, but this is a bit extreme for me…

Still more photos from Fremont Indian State Park to come…

Feb 16 2011

Fremont Indian State Park | Set 2

February 11 & 12, 2011

Here are a few more photos from Fremont Indian State Park in no particular order. Make sure to check out Set 1, too

Black & White Shaman
Black & White Shaman

The largest anthropomorph figure in Fremont Indian State Park in black & white.

Drought Panel
Drought Panel

This petroglyph panel in Skinner Canyon is located here for a reason. It is thought to tell about the great drought which has been confirmed by tree-rings to have occurred in the 1200s. The lines of dots show the fields of corn that had been planted, but did not come up. The human with his hands in the air is praying for water.

The Spaceman
The Spaceman

This petroglyph that looks like a spaceman along the Parade of Rock Art Trail has been identified as being carved there by Paitues, most likely in the late 1880s.

Hidden Secrets Panel
Hidden Secrets Panel

A large but faint petroglyph panel at the end of the Hidden Secrets Trail.

Glowing Hunting Scene
Glowing Hunting Scene

A hunting scene panel located in Skinner Canyon across from Spider Woman Rock. The figures are faint in the direct sunlight, but that same sunlight caused the rock to glow orange.

Hunting Maps
Hunting Maps

This petroglyph panel along the Parade of Rock Art is interpreted as being a map. The seven triangles are thought to be the mountains you see on the south horizon. Directions can be determined by the way that the two sheep face. The top one faces the setting sun and the bottom on the rising sun, if they were parallel to the mountains. Above the triangles, the sheep are arranged around a concentric circle. Similar circles are often seen in rock art and are thought to mean water. This corresponds to the features of the area since on the other side of the mountains there is water at Puffer Lake.

Still more photos from Fremont Indian State Park to come…

Feb 15 2011

Fremont Indian State Park | Set 1

February 11 & 12, 2011

After driving to Richfield and checking into our hotel early, we headed straight for Fremont Indian State Park. We ended up spending the rest of the day there until it got dark and then we returned on Saturday for another full day of exploring the park. Instead of boring you with our movements throughout the day, I’m just going to post a bunch of the photos I took with a little info about each. These are in no particular order.

Sevier Shaman Figure
Sevier Shaman Figure

The largest anthropomorph in the park seems to be standing guard over Clear Creek Canyon. To the left there appears to be a hunting scene with thirteen bighorn sheep.

Fremont Newspaper Rock
Fremont Newspaper Rock

Newspaper Rock is the largest petroglyph panel in the park. It contains over 250 elements carved into the rock.

Clear Creek Sheep
Clear Creek Sheep

A couple of bighorn sheep right next to Newspaper Rock.

Clear Creek Canyon Petroglyphs
Clear Creek Canyon Petroglyphs

A petroglyph panel near Newspaper Rock along the Rim Trail.


This anthropomorph along the Court of Ceremonies Trail has been modified by a bullet hole giving it the name Cyclops.

A Hunting Story
A Hunting Story

A large petroglyph panel along the Parade of Rock Art Trail glowing in the early morning sunlight.

More photos from Fremont Indian State Park to come…

Feb 14 2011

Tree of Life

Friday, February 11, 2011

Since Amanda and I both took off Friday for my birthday so that we could spend some time at Fremont Indian State Park, we got up early and headed west into Utah. On our way there, we made a quick stop along the way to get a few photos of the Tree of Life petroglyph panel.

Tree of Life Panel
Tree of Life Panel

Tree of Life
Tree of Life

Stay tuned for the photos from Fremont Indian State Park and more…

Feb 10 2011

Canyonlands: Needles District & Lockhart Road

Saturday, February 5, 2011


After finishing up in Indian Creek Canyon I continued on down the highway to the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. Since all of the 4×4 roads in the park were closed, I figured that I would complete some of the easier and shorter hikes that I always drive by on my way elsewhere. I started out with the Roadside Ruin.

Roadside Ruin

From there I headed over to the Cave Spring Loop. It was a short but fun loop…..and it’s where I found my last rock art of the day….

Cave Spring

Cave Spring Pictographs
Cave Spring Pictographs

Cave Spring Pictograph 1
Cave Spring Pictograph 1

Cave Spring Pictograph 2
Cave Spring Pictograph 2

Cave Spring Handprints
Cave Spring Handprints

After finishing up the loop I headed over and checked out Pothole Point. The potholes were all dry, so there weren’t any good photo ops. My last hike of the day was around the Slickrock Foot Trail. This was another nice hike with some good views in all directions.

View from the Slickrock Trail

Before heading home for the day I ended up hopping on the Lockhart Basin Road and taking it to just under the Needles Overlook before turning around and heading home. Lockart Basin is one of those trails I always mean to complete, but still haven’t yet…..maybe 2011 will be the year I finally do?

By the time I made it home it was a long day, but I had a great time and it was worth it!