Some pics from today at the Badlands. It was a good day for wheeling.
aric coming down the ledge on orange
Paul climbing on orange
nozzleram taking my line thru the rock garden on orange 😉
aric in the quarry
denied by rockface again
me in the quarry
zach dropping off a ledge
and the winner is…..
Comments Off on Chicago4x4’s RangerPaul Invitational 2006 @ The Badlands | posted in Wheeling Pictures
Just got home a little while ago, and had a great time today at The Badlands, even though a few people I was supposed to go with, bailed at the last minute. Here’s a few pics I got, once some of the other guys get there’s up, there should be a few more good ones that I’ll post. Here ya go:
Posing on the new rock gargen section of Orange
Damn low hanging bumper….need to do something about that
Grabbing some air
I kinda like this one
Then my day was cut short when this happened:
completely stripped out the threads…..that is a JKS arm!
Comments Off on New Years Day 2006 @ The Badlands | posted in Wheeling Pictures
Just got back a little while ago from a little run I threw together at The Cliffs. Since fatwreck was going to be in town for the holidays, I decided I’d take him out wheeling since he took me out when I was in Colorado…..and who better to lead us, than BurnedBronco.
Of course, there has been snow on the ground, and unfortunately the last few days have been above freezing with rain, so the park was very wet and traction was hard to be found. Even though, we managed to cover quite a bit of the park, and even hit some of the hardest trails……of course, plenty of winching was done.
Here’s some pics:
BurnedBronco laying down on the job
fatwreck in his toyota buggy climbing
me getting sideways on #12
group shot after running #12
then zach went and played on Intrepid Hill, and did what he does best
not only on the way up, but also on the way down
lined up on #21
plenty more pics here:
and here
Comments Off on Xmas @ The Cliffs (12-26-05) | posted in Wheeling Pictures
Wow, what a great day for wheeling. The sun was out all day, and the temps were around 70. Got to check out another ORV park in Kansas today; Tuttle Creek ORV. I really enjoyed this park. There were a lot of obstacles that you could choose many different lines on, making it as hard or as easy as you liked. Lots of rocks, and ledges, plus some trails that would be similar to The Cliffs (my closest local wheeling spot), except with more rocks thrown in 😉
Colleen and I wheeled most of the day with two different groups. The first group was a few guys from the Trail Krawlers, the local club that maintains most of the trails at this park. The second part of the day we wheeled with Dirk from DPG Offroad and some people that came up with him. It was great to finally meet him and wheel with him.
A good time was had by all. Here’s some pics!
Pick your line
…and as always, plenty more pics here
Comments Off on Tuttle Creek ORV Report/Pictures (11-26-05) | posted in Wheeling Pictures
Got back from a half-day of wheeling at Kansas Rocks Recreation Park a little bit ago.
When we got to the park there was pretty much no one else there, so we headed off on our own and did a bunch of moderate wheeling, with a little difficult stuff thrown in as well. There were some hardcore obstacles I would have like to try, but didn’t since we had no one else with us. I’m sure I’ll get back sometime next year, so hopefully I can try them then. We did cover and see most of the park.
Definately a nice little park, would recommend it to anyone.
Here’s a few pics
Zook Squeeze
More pics here:
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